Spaz - The Sick Pups icon New Jersey New York Costumers Guild - The Sick Pups a costume guild

NJ/NY Costumers' Guild Chapter
a member of the

International Costumers' Guild

Upcoming Pup's Meeting!


Saturday March 15, 2025 Starting at 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
To Find out how to join the meeting contact our President through a private message in our Facebook Site

Byron looks forward to seeing lots of you there. We can talk about exhibits you have seen and any costumes you are working on. You can be as vague about what you're working on as you wish. We'll also have the usual reports by officers, opportunities for show and tell, and recent activities.

Upcoming Local Conventions:

and for something completely silly:

Lisa Ashton: The 12 Steps of Costuming

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New Jersey/New York Costumers' Guild is a non-profit amateur group specializing in the educational and social nature of all aspects of costuming. Historically, we were the third costume guild to form part of the International Costumers' Guild, Inc., founded in 1985. We hold bimonthly meetings which include business, socializing, and (usually) some sort of workshop.

Our members' interests include science ficton, fantasy, media, anime, and historical costumes. Some of our members also explore related arts, including millinery, embroidery, quilting, and more. Many of our members attend conventions, including Costume-Cons and World Science Fiction Conventions (Worldcons).

Our membership also includes technicians whose interests cover the running and support of Masquerades (theatrical costume competitions) at science fiction conventions in areas such as lighting, sound, stage management, makeup, backstage support, photography, and videography. We welcome new members!

The NJ/NY Costumers' Guild is affectionately nicknamed the Sick Pups, or (more formally) "The Sick Pups of Greater Monmouth County". While most of our members come from New Jersey, New York, or Connecticut, we have members from as far south as Georgia and as far west as Colorado. We interpret "Greater Monmouth Country" loosely and have members from all over the United States. Our mascot is Spaz (above left), the original Sick Pup.

All content copyright © 2003-2019 and beyond by The New Jersey/New York Costumers' Guild, except where noted. All rights reserved. For questions concerning this web site, please contact us.

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